Regardless of age, we each have the ability to enjoy healthy, glowing skin. Depending on how you go about nurturing your skin and correcting the signs of aging, you may experience several benefits with very little effort. In our Scottsdale office, patients have options for facial rejuvenation via a surgical route and also through nonsurgical means. The MicroLaser Peel is a popular technique across multiple age groups.
What is a MicroLaser Peel?
You may have heard of treatments such as chemical peels and microdermabrasion. You may know that numerous different laser treatments that are available today. The MicroLaser Peel fits right in between all of these techniques. Where chemical peels and microdermabrasion gently slough dead and damaged cells off the epidermis with chemical agents and manual abrasion, respectively, the MicroLaser Peel does so with an erbium laser.
The laser peel is customizable, similar to chemical peel treatments, but this approach also offers the benefit of a shorter downtime compared to deeper peels or more aggressive laser skin resurfacing. The subtle degree of peeling that occurs after a MicroLaser Peel is the reason behind this treatment being referred to as a weekend skin resurfacing method.
What You Can Expect
The terms “peel” and “laser” together may provoke the perception that treatment is painful and would require some recovery. Before conducting the peel, we apply a topical anesthetic to make the skin less sensitive. Patients may also choose to self-administer ProNox, a nitrous oxide sedative, during their procedure. Nitrous oxide is breathed in to reduce feelings of anxiety and also to increase pain tolerance. With a combination of the two, patients find the treatment extremely tolerable.
The MicroLaser Peel removes the uppermost layer of skin cells in a single procedure. The recovery from treatment lasts 2 to 4 days only, though. After this time, patients may apply makeup and resume work and other normal activities, including working out. Sun exposure should be limited for several days, if not weeks, after a peel. This reduces the chances of hyperpigmentation and also extends the results of treatment.
Learn more about the MicroLaser Peel and what it can do for you. Call our Scottsdale office at (480) 771-7771.