Do you ever look at pictures of yourself from decades ago and wonder where that fresh face has gone? That person is still YOU. You have gained some wisdom and lots of great memories. These are the best aspects of living a full life. Those wrinkles? Not so much. While one of the leading reasons people give for refreshing their facial aesthetic is to look like their younger self, there are tiny details that branch off from this trunk. One that you may not have realized yet is how your appearance can positively affect your professional life.The hiring game. Let’s face it, getting hired is only partially about your resume. If you’re not savvy to the current trends, you may not know that today’s employers... continue reading >
Do we need vitamins? Specifically IV vitamins? Research shows that only 15% of Americans eat a balanced diet. In addition, we are constantly stressing our bodies on a daily basis. The constant push to be better both mentally and physically takes its toll over time leading to overworked bodily systems, particularly the immune system. We are constantly on the go. We are not getting enough rest, sleep and not eating well enough to fuel our bodies for what we demand it to do.The immune system is affected and the body does not get the nutrients it needs to keep up. We start to feel the effects:- 1. Constant lack of energy 2. Inability to concentrate or focus 3. Frequent viral illness 4. Aches and pains... continue reading >
Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) works by :- Stimulating the formation of new blood vessels (angiogenesis). Decreasing inflammation around the hair follicle and promotion of growth through the anti-inflammatory effect of growth factors and cytokines. Inflammation around the follicle is a major cause of hair thinning and loss. This is largely due to the effect of dihydrotestosterone (DHT) around the hair follicle. Cytokines are signaling molecules that allows for cells to communicate. They can trigger cell movement towards injury as well as stimulate stem cells within the hair follicle. What is so unique about our hair program and why is it so effective? We:- Obtain the highest yield of platelets from superior processing of the blood. Stimulate injury within the scalp with micro-needling to allow for activation of PRP. Allow for regeneration... continue reading >