Vaginal rejuvenation is an intimate decision that every woman should have the right and resources to make. At the Ong Institute, Dr. Cheri A. Ong works hard to ensure her patients have access to the latest techniques and proper information for LabiaSculpt and Vaginoplasty treatments in the Scottsdale and Phoenix, AZ area.
To achieve the highest standards in surgical vaginal rejuvenation in the Scottsdale and Phoenix, AZ area, Dr. Ong has trained and learned from some of the pioneers in the field. She combines this knowledge, with her artistry and plastic surgery experience to enhance her results in aesthetic vaginal cosmetic surgery.
Most procedures are performed in the office under local anesthesia and mild sedation. She uses the Ellman Surgitron™ radiofrequency device, which allows for precise surgery and “resurfacing” capabilities. She also uses the regenerative capabilities of exosomes as a surgical tool and may sometimes combine non-surgical treatments to address specific concerns.
Surgical options can enhance the aesthetics of the area and can also help treat the common functional problems affecting women resulting from large and floppy labias.
They include:
If you are interested in surgical vaginal rejuvenation in Scottsdale, Phoenix and surrounding areas, call the Ong Institute today.
This surgery is performed to remove excess, floppy, or uneven labia minora (smaller interior vaginal lips) that often cause chronic irritation, rubbing, or discomfort during physical activities or intercourse. Many women also request this surgery to improve self-confidence and to eliminate the appearance of a bulge with certain clothing such as tights. Labias can enlarge with estrogen stimulation at puberty and pregnancy and with the effects of gravity with aging. LabiaSculpt Surgery is done in the operating room or in the office under local anesthesia.
The term “LabiaSculpt” can also relate to the cosmetic surgery of the labia majora (larger outer lips) to make it less prominent and saggy. Socially described as “camel toes”, the broader outer lips of the vulva can be enlarged with excess or loose skin, and tissue. This enlargement can cause an embarrassing bulge in clothing (camel toes). The labia majora may be enlarged from birth, secondary to childbirth, or due to aging.
Many women also experience large and droopy labia majora after major weight loss. Dr. Ong performs the medial curvilinear labia majoraplasty technique to safely reduce the size of the labia majora by excising a crescent-shaped portion of the inner portion of the labia majora. The scar is hidden in the crease between the inner and outer labia.
Excess skin on the sides of the clitoris often causes the clitoris to look enlarged or uneven. Genetics, estrogen, and testosterone exposure can make significant changes in the way the clitoral area appears. LabiaSculpt surgery itself may result in the appearance of a relatively larger clitoral area since the excess labia have been removed drawing the eyes to the clitoral region i.e. “top-heavy look.”
Dr. Ong offers a precise surgery for women seeking to improve the aesthetic appearance of their genital area by excising the extra folds of skin to the side of the clitoris. The clitoris itself and its nerves are never touched. This is NOT clitoral mutilation or clitoral un-hooding. Clitoral Hood Reduction is done in the office under local anesthesia and is commonly done in conjunction with LabiaSculpt surgery.
The visible area between the vagina and the rectum is called the perineum. This is the region where episiotomies are cut and where tears during childbirth are most common. Perineoplasty (or Perineorrhaphy) aims to make this region appear normal by excising excess skin, loose skin tags, and suturing the underlying muscles or the perineal body closer together to give a more snug feeling in the introitus or vaginal opening. This procedure is done commonly with a LabiaSculpt surgery to produce a “cleaner” look.
This surgery is the reconstruction of the hymen. Cultural, religious, or social reasons predominate when this surgery is contemplated. Hymenoplasty is performed to make the patient appear virginal. It works for women who have not had vaginal deliveries, and preferably, in those who have never been pregnant. Precise incisions are made into the vagina and remnants of the hymeneal ring to bring them into close approximation to allow delicate sutures to hold the tissues in place. Once healed, the act of sexual intercourse can result in bleeding when the hymen is torn or stretched. Hymenoplasty is done in the office under local anesthesia.
The majority of aesthetic gynecology procedures at Ong Institute are done using the Ellman Surgitron™ RF device. This allows for precise surgery, and less tissue thermal damage with the presence of a cooling tip. It also has resurfacing capabilities that allows Dr. Ong to contour and shrink the tissues for improved “fine-tuning”. It is a great tool for a surgeon to sculpt and achieve the aesthetic look that they want to create.
LabiaSculpt surgery is performed to achieve your functional and artistic goals. Dr. Ong takes pride in discussing your goals and making sure we can achieve them. Depending on what was discussed in the consultation, the LabiaSculpt procedure is done either in the operating room under anesthesia or under oral sedation and local anesthetic.
90 percent of the LabiaSculpt surgeries that Dr. Ong performs are done using the latter, in the office. It is a very safe and effective method of surgery and the technique that she uses can accomplish the goals of the surgery, with minimal local anesthetic, and easy recovery. Patients are able to walk out of the procedure room without any anesthetic side effects.
A LabiaSculpt procedure at our Scottsdale, AZ office may take a few hours since the procedure is done precisely and artistically. This is not the “simple” LabiaSculpt surgery that is done to remove excess labial tissue. There are a few things that Dr. Ong does differently that help with the final outcome.
Full LabiaSculpt surgery recovery is six weeks, which translates to no sex, and nothing in the vagina (e.g. tampons etc.) We will set you up well with everything you might need for the postoperative period. This includes topical anesthetic, estrogen cream, and other products that will help you through your healing stage. Everything is explained in detail at the time of your pre-operative appointment. Here is the typical healing process for a LabiaSculpt surgery.
We also have an e-guide available to you, providing information on everything you need to know about healing after cosmetic vaginal surgery.
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The nerves supplying the clitoris come from deep within the pelvis. In addition, there are multiple branches supplying the area. Thus, the risk of loss of sensation after LabiaSculpt surgery is low. Even with a clitoral hood reduction where the loose skin around the clitoral body is removed, it is far superficial compared to where the origin of the nerves are located.
Loss of sensation usually results from pelvic or vaginal surgery. In summary, most of the surgery performed in a LabiaSculpt surgery done by an experienced surgeon have an overall low risk for loss of sensation or function.
In contrast, for women who desire an increase in sensation or sexual pleasure, the regenerative potential of the exosomes placed in certain areas can help. The growth factors in exosomes can help regenerate nerves in the area of the “G-spot” allowing for improved sensation. Some patients also choose to have the Radio-frequency Vaginal Treatment after their LabiaSculpt surgery to enhance sexual wellness.
There are a few techniques developed for vaginoplasty, and there are also doctors of different specialties performing labiasculpting. A LabiaSculpt procedure, done well, can be a truly artistic procedure that enables women to obtain a petite, “clean” look. Many women choose to have the LabiaSculpt procedure for many reasons. The three most important questions to ask your LabiaSculpt surgeon are:
An experienced surgeon can discuss the different types of LabiaSculpt techniques, the anatomical area being treated, and the ability to differentiate between the different parts — i.e. Labia Minoraplasty, Majoraplasty, hood reduction, etc.
This can be a time when your labia looks the worst, and having a surgeon that is attentive to your needs and able to reassure and guide you throughout the process is crucial. I have seen many women post pictures of their postoperative outcomes online asking for help, and you should be comfortable enough with your surgeon to trust them through this period.
We also have an e-guide available to you, providing information on everything you need to know about healing after cosmetic vaginal surgery.
Download now
Dr. Ong is a plastic surgeon with additional specialized training in aesthetic gynecology. Although there are exceptions to this rule, many plastic surgeons may lack the training for aesthetic LabiaSculpt surgery since this is not a large core component in many plastic surgery residency programs.
On the other hand, many gynecologists may lack the artistic touch of a plastic surgeon. You will be best served with a surgeon, either plastic or gynecology, specifically trained in aesthetic vulvovaginal surgery.
“I'm IN LOVE with my upgraded vagina! I got the full works [kitty facelift as I call it], and I couldn't be happier. My overall self-esteem + confidence in the bedroom has skyrocketed. The best part Dr. Ong + the team [Alissa, Kirstin, Violet, + Lorene] are A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! Plus, every single part of the process have been well thought out. I loved leaving with a new goodie bag before, immediately after, + 6 weeks post-op [fun surprise]. They really thought about speeding up the healing process. The IV treatment 1 week post-op was super helpful as well. The 5 weeks of discomfort is worth a lifetime of confidence. Promise. Book a consult today!”
— Ashley Perona
The Ong Institute offers a variety of vaginoplasty procedures, including LabiaSculpt Surgery, in Scottsdale AZ, Phoenix AZ and surrounding areas. Call (480) 771-7771 or fill out a Contact Form below to learn more! Dr. Cheri Ong looks forward to serving you!
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