Posts From March, 2020

Our Number One Tip Against the Coronavirus That You Probably Have Not Heard Of

I found this article, written in 2013 to be helpful in understanding how the Coronavirus affects the body. What is a Coronavirus?The novel coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2, is now called COVID-19. Research evidence suggests that SARS-CoV-2, MERS-CoV( Middle East Respiratory Syndrome ) and the original SARS-CoV (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) that caused wide-spread disease across the world belong to the Coronavirus family. The Coronavirus is identified based on its structure with envelopes with spikes (called peplomers) on its surface much alike a coronal (crown-like appearance).How does it attack and spread? The virus attacks cells by fusing its outer layer envelope into the host cell and penetrating into the cell. The coronavirus usually infects animals.  In humans, this virus typically causes a mild flu. Researchers believe that the quick spread and more... continue reading >

Details About ThermiTight Skin Tightening

Skin tightening didn’t become a thing until recently. Before technology caught up to the demand for more cosmetic treatment options, people with loose skin only had the choice of a surgical lift. While there are situations in which a procedure like abdominoplasty remains ideal, there are many people who can achieve appreciable results without the risks and downtime associated with surgery. In our Scottsdale office, one such option is ThermiTight.ThermiTight is a micro-invasive treatment that is used to stimulate collagen in a targeted area. The purpose of collagen-induction is to firm and tighten aging skin. Collagen is a vital chemical that is produced in the dermis. The cells that make collagen go dormant before middle-age, leaving us to make do with what has been stored... continue reading >

Viral Infections: Thymosin Alpha-1 Peptide Therapy

Thymosin alpha-1 (Ta1) is a peptide originally isolated from thymus gland as the compound responsible for restoring immune function. Ta1 helps regulate the immune response.It enhances the Natural Killer (NK) system and stimulates the immune response by stimulating stem cells and augmenting the production of new immune cells. The immune system, now activated, then acts in concert to kill bacterial, fungal, or viral infections and tumor cells. It also improves the response to vaccines by stimulating antibody production.The Natural killer (NK) cell system is your body’s immune system that shows strong function against stressed cells such as tumor cells and virus-infected cells. NK cells are made for killing. They are constantly on patrol, looking for harmful cells that would like to take up residence in... continue reading >

Why do people respond differently to a viral illness and what you can do to boost your immune system.

People may respond differently to a viral illness due to the current state of their immune system. They immune system is a complex system. It can be under-activated or over-activated. An overactive immune system can cause continued inflammation in the body and conditions such as auto-immune illnesses. Auto-immune illnesses such as Rheumatoid arthritis and Hasimotos thyroiditis are caused by the immune system being over-activated that it begins to loose sense of the "enemy” and its own tissue, and begins to attack its ownself.Under-activated immune systems are conditions were the immune response is depressed such as in patients with immune systems disorders caused by genetics, old age, or infections. A good example is HIV patients, where the immune cells are attacked by the virus and unable... continue reading >