Many have seen and heard radio DJ and iHeart super star JohnJay talk about his hair PRP treatment. What exactly did Dr. Ong do to treat his scalp to help stimulate hair growth?Here is a step-by-step explanation of what was done during the procedure.Blood was drawn to be processed in order to "create" PRP. A total of 60cc of blood was drawn. Here is what PRP is.Numbing cream was placed on the front of the scalp.A scalp block was performed. Local anesthetic was injected using a small needle to block the nerves supplying the front and the back of the scalp.Micro-needling was performed with growth factors around the hair follicles. This is a technique where very small holes (microscopic) are made in the scalp to... continue reading >
Liposuction is a great way to finally bid farewell to the stubborn fat that has demanded a lifelong love affair with your body. When you have come to a point where diet and exercise have accomplished all that they can, but a certain area, such as the buttocks or the abdomen, simply refuses to obey your wishes, it’s time to consider getting a little help. Liposuction is a gentle procedure that has been used worldwide for decades. Recent technological advance has made this process of fat-reduction even better, minimizing post-operative recovery without diminishing results.There is a lot to gain by losing those last pockets of fat. However, there are important considerations that need to be made before your liposuction procedure. Namely, how you will address... continue reading >
During the summer months, we most often think about the parts of the body that everyone will see. Men and women may increase their physical activity to tighten and tone before swimsuit weather. Tummy tucks and liposuction procedures may be on everyone’s “want” list. But there’s more to physical rejuvenation, and more women are starting to talk about it. By “it,” we mean LabiaSculpt surgery.You may have heard of LabiaSculpt surgery as a procedure that gives you a designer vagina. The Kardashian sisters and other reality stars have brought this important feminine issue to the forefront by openly discussing their laser vaginal rejuvenation procedures (ThermiVa™). Sometimes, a little more than a zap is needed. LabiaSculpt is the brief, precise surgical procedure through which the external... continue reading >
The four-eyed fish.... Interesting facts. What if your chances of having sex is determined by whether you are a "righty" or a "lefty"?The Anableps Anableps is called the four-eyed fish. A horizontal band of tissue splits the eye into to lobes: each with its own pupil and lobe. Allows it to see in and out of the water simultaneously while swimming. Definitely an advantage for survival from predators and feeding.However, when it comes to sex....The gonopodium (male's sex organ) and the females opening are turned only to the right or the left. Which means that a "righty" male is built to copulate only with a "lefty" female. This means a 50% chance of finding a compatible mate. Interesting fact of nature!Thankfully, we don't have to solely rely... continue reading >