Posts From February, 2018

What is Hyaluronic Acid and Why It’s Great For Your Skin

You probably have seen hyaluronic acid in one of your skin care products but you may have wondered....what exactly is it?Hyaluronic acid is a naturally occurring substance found in the body.  It is a lubricating fluid that has a high capacity for holding water...up to 1000 times its weight!  It acts almost like a sponge, holding water in the skin, giving it a plump and youthful appearance.  Unfortunately, as we age, our body's production of hyaluronic acid slows down.  Loss of hyaluronic acid in our skin leads to loss of volume and firmness.How can you increase hyaluronic acid in your body?Drinking lots of water to stay hydrated and eating certain foods can help your body to replenish or maintain its levels of hyaluronic acid.Animal products... continue reading >

Tummy Tuck: A Practice in Patience

When you want to correct muscle separation and laxity that occurs as a result of weight and pregnancy, it is natural to want results sooner rather than later. It is enough of practice in patience to have to implement a healthy diet and regular exercise, to then realize that these habits aren’t going to give you the exact curves you’d like to see on your body. It is this frustration that leads many people to visit their plastic surgeon to talk about abdominoplasty.Abdominoplasty, or tummy tuck surgery, exceeds the capabilities of nonsurgical skin tightening treatments for excessive abdominal laxity. It also outdoes what is possible with liposuction alone. Liposuction can reduce the layer of subcutaneous fat that lies beneath the skin, but it cannot correct looseness... continue reading >