Do you ever look at pictures of yourself from decades ago and wonder where that fresh face has gone? That person is still YOU. You have gained some wisdom and lots of great memories. These are the best aspects of living a full life. Those wrinkles? Not so much. While one of the leading reasons people give for refreshing their facial aesthetic is to look like their younger self, there are tiny details that branch off from this trunk. One that you may not have realized yet is how your appearance can positively affect your professional life.
- The hiring game. Let’s face it, getting hired is only partially about your resume. If you’re not savvy to the current trends, you may not know that today’s employers are also interested in each applicant as a person. How do they discern what makes a candidate stand out? Often, it is by taking a peek at their social media profile. Looking fresh-faced and active lets an employer know that you are the kind of person they want to represent them.
- Staying power. No matter how long you wish to stay in the work force, you want to remain viable, attractive to potential employers – or to your current boss. Men and women who are starting to show their age express an interest in doing so with as much grace as possible. This might mean smoothing those frown lines with Botox, or it could mean refreshing the eyes with an eyelid or brow lift.
- The Ultimate. The ultimate X-factor in getting and keeping a job is confidence. Of course, you’ve got to have some skills to go along with that, but studies are continually pointing to the fact that skills are only a small piece of the puzzle. Looking good means feeling more confident. And more confidence shows, which tells others that you can handle yourself and the tasks that are set before you.
We would love to speak with you about the facial rejuvenation treatments available in our Scottsdale office. For more information, schedule a consultation at 480-771-7771.