Your Top 5 Questions Answered When Considering Vaginal Surgery

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How Do You Know What Labiaplasty Surgery Is Right For You?

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What’s The Procedure Going To Be Like?

Below you’ll receive answers to your questions like: Is it painful? Where is the surgery going to be done?

Many women prefer to have surgery at our office for privacy reasons. About 95% of our labiaplasty surgeries are done in our office under local anesthesia. We give you some oral medication to help keep you relaxed and completely numb the area. We also have laughing gas to help with pain control, it’s self administered so you can use it as much or as little as you like. The only time we typically take you to a surgery center is if you prefer to have general anesthesia for your surgery, or if you are having a combination surgery, such as a breast augmentation at the same time. Overall, labiaplasty surgery in our office is very safe and convenient.

What’s The Recovery Going To Be Like?

Below you’ll receive answers to your questions like: Is it painful? When will I be able to exercise again? How much time do I have to take off work or school?

First and foremost, the vagina is a very healing area. Everyone tolerates pain differently and with that being said, we set you up for success when it comes to your post-op care and give you everything you need to heal.

The best way to heal is to rest and relax! The first few days you will want to lay low, watch movies or read. Ice the area as much as possible! Icing the area every 15 minutes will bring down your swelling and also reduce pain. Just know the more you stand up , there may be more swelling. Take some time for yourself to relax and you can get back to work in about 5-7 days.

Based on our experience on the science of surgical healing, and feedback from our patients we have created a post-surgical protocol that promotes quicker healing and recovery. You will get access to the entire protocol when you have surgery with us. The best way to heal is to rest and relax! The first few days you will want to lay low, watch movies or read and ice the area as much as possible. Icing the area every 15 minutes will bring down your swelling. Just know the more you stand, blood flows to the area which causes swelling. Take some time for yourself to relax and you can get back to work in about 5-7 days.

When will I be able to exercise again, what’s the downtime?

Full and complete recovery will be ~6-8 weeks. We usually recommend avoiding any strenuous workouts for 3-4 weeks. As you come in for your postoperative visits with Dr. Ong, she will release you to do certain activities as she examines your healing process.

How long do I need to take off from work or school?

It is recommended to take off work or school for about 5-7 days. We want to make sure the majority of your swelling is controlled before resuming work or going back to school.

Will Insurance Cover Labiaplasty Surgery? What Will It Cost?

Although you may have some functional concerns, labiaplasty, when performed by a plastic surgeon is considered a cosmetic procedure. Unfortunately, we do not accept insurance payments for this type of surgery.

Pricing can range depending on the extent and complexity of surgery being done in the area. Our prices for labiaplasty range from $5500-$12000. During your Surgical Planning Session, you will get more information on this, and the exact cost of your procedure.

I know this is a really big step and it’s normal to feel some nerves! First and foremost I want to let you know, you’re not alone.

The next step from here is to book your Discovery Call to see if surgery is right for you.

See if labiaplasty surgery is right for you.  All of your answers are private.

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